What’s up folks! We had a slight delay with the start but Joey and Bill held it down until Eddie was able to join us. The convo had a laid back vibe with us talking over the background music. Started off sharing our drinks, as usual and then got right into the releases.
First up, the BAPE x Vans release, and our slight disappointment in how the collection turned out. We were expecting more, and we got much less, in terms of design, options, accessories, etc. First tangent was about Eddie’s new game Red Dead Redemption, and his recent Vision 3060ti video card purchase. Back on topic, we talk about the Palace “Mushrooms” Skate Sk8-Hi. You’d have thought these were a Supreme release. Bill stumbled across the Vault x Geoff McFetridge collection via Notre’s webstore. Interesting.
Our Offspring saga continues. We reached out, and they apologized for not including the ceramic coasters with the shoes, and sent out a package in record time, EXCEPT there was only 1 set of coasters in the box! We’re starting to think that they just hate us.
Got on another tangent about the HBO classic, The Sopranos, that Bill has finally started watching. The guys are excited to hear that, and will be asking for weekly updates.
Recent pickups from Bill include a few sale items from Wish in Atlanta, as well as some Notre navy blue Old Skools copped from eBay. Can’t forget the Beams x Crocs that came in from END. Eddie received another shipment from his Japan proxy, including a few older Vans Japan collabs, as well as a WTAPS Chukka in tan. Joey wants everyone to keep a lookout for some 2000’s era Vans for him. Cab 4’s, and other chunky classics from that period of his youth. Sz 11.5 preferably! That’s about it for this week!
You can drop in for the live Twitch stream, every Tuesday (10PM CDT / 8PM PDT), or on our Youtube channel. Audio formats can be found on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and Anchor.
All views and opinions are strictly our own, and not affiliated with anything. If we offend any of you, just know that it wasn’t personal, and we love everyone and everything. Don’t take life so seriously, and that includes us.