The Authentic Era Podcast – Episode 2 (7.8.21)

We start off with a little bit of craft beer talk, and Joey’s connection to that industry. Then we dive into #31daysofvans, and feature a few cool posts, which gets us talking about some past cool releases, like the PBR Vans, and the Disney collection. New releases for the week, include the Patta Black Cats, Madhappy’s 2nd release, A$AP Rocky Mules, and a few others. Talked about the Musicians Wanted contest. Talked a little shit about SNKRS app and their Exclusive Access criteria.  Did some free promo for some ridiculous eBay sellers. Had some good interaction with the live chat stream as well. Thanks to our 14 viewers, lol!

You can drop in for the live Twitch stream, every Thursday (10PM CDT / 8PM PDT), or you can get caught up later on, by viewing us on our Youtube channel.

All views and opinions are strictly our own, and not affiliated with anything. If we offend any of you, just know that it wasn’t personal, and we love everyone and everything. Don’t take life so seriously, and that includes us.